About Us

The New Zone Gallery champions artistic expression by nurturing diverse voices, fostering community engagement, and providing a platform for emerging and established artists to thrive.

New Zone Board of Directors

Dianne Story Cunningham, President

David Diethelm
, Vice President

Alex Daniell, Secretary

D'Ann Adams, Treasurer

Julie Williams, Member at Large

Robin Marks-Fife, Member at Large

Become a Member

​The New Zone Gallery is a living, breathing gallery YOU can be a part of!

Membership availability is determined by the Gallery Board and based upon existing gallery space and ability to adequately support our artists. We currently are using the following approach to selecting mew members. We make invitations to possible new member artists by evaluating artist's works entered into our biannual Zone 4 All Non-Juried Art Shows presented in a Spring show in March and a Fall show in September of each year. You can subscribe to our newsletter (in footer) which will also send you advance notice of deadlines to submit works. We look at each artist's work at those shows and give invitations to artists whose work members find interesting and a good fit a gallery membership. Additionally, if you are interested in membership you can email the president of the board, Dianne Story Cunningham - dianne@newzonegallery.org to discuss membership.

Other documents

Donate to New Zone

New Zone relies on donors to keep the arts alive and well in Eugene and the larger Willamette Valley region. As a registered non-profit your donation not only maintains a vital home for Lane County artists but is also tax deductible! We accept all donations; in-kind, monetary or otherwise.You can drop off your donation in person to the gallery at 110 East 11th Avenue or mail a check to
P.O. Box 973, Eugene, OR 97440
​​ (please no cash, make checks payable to, "New Zone Gallery")

You can also make a secure donation via Paypal by clicking the "Donate" button below. ​New Zone Gallery thanks you for your ongoing support!

Other ways to get involved

The Klausmeier Room is available to rent. See the Kausemeier Room exhibition schedule and learn about how to rent it as well.

Zone 4 All is an opportunity for all artists in the community to participate and show their art at the The Zone Gallery. Learn more!

Donate to New Zone